Brands In Motion 2024: Bridging the AI Expectation Gap

With today’s business leaders bullish on the benefits of AI technology, the leadership challenge is not whether executives will embrace AI but rather how they’ll bring their organizations along on what promises to be among the world’s most transformative tech innovations.

WE’s 2024 Brands in Motion technology report, “Bridging the AI Expectation Gap,” reveals significant gaps between leadership vision and on-the-ground implementation – including communications about AI – that, unaddressed, will significantly affect AI’s business impact.

What WE Found

  • Brands are overwhelmingly optimistic, but underprepared. 83% of global respondents and 94% of Chinese executives are optimistic about AI, but fewer than half have programs in place to make AI adoption a success. And only 37% actively communicate AI’s benefits within their organizations, a figure that’s even lower in China (35%).

  • This optimism is tempered by caution. Nearly all (92%) have at least some concerns around the greater adoption of AI in their organization, with respondents most concerned about cybersecurity risks. Chinese business leaders are comparatively more optimistic, with 89% of respondents expressing AI concerns.

  • Transparency is the answer — with all stakeholders. 54% of surveyed executives have no current investment in AI training. This figure is as high as 62% in China, which shows how AI integration still has a long way to go.

Next Steps

Build a strong AI communications strategy

Audit sentiment and implement your organization’s AI engagement strategy across target audiences — internally and externally.

Refresh your company’s transformation narrative

It needs to account for AI and how it’s driving growth, change and innovation within your organization.

Employ executive thought leadership

Integrate AI messaging with regular updates to foster confidence and pair vision with action.

Update crisis plans

Reconsider messaging and incorporate potential AI-related issues and questions.